Ethereum: gas_price does not exactly match value from transaction

Ethereum: Gas prices inadequacy

As a developer who works with Ethereum and his Blockchain network, you have encountered a common problem that can arise when comparing the gas prices obtained through the Web 3 bookshop compared to those recovered by an Etherscan transaction. In this article, we will immerse ourselves in what could cause this gap and explore potential solutions.

** What is going on?

When using the web3 bookshop to recover the “Gasprice” property of an object of Python transaction, the price of the gas associated with this transaction is essentially asked. However, when comparing this value with that obtained from an Etherscan transaction, there may be small differences for various reasons.

Possible causes:

  • Times of transactions : Gas prices are generally calculated at the time of execution (for example, block the blocks), therefore periodically updated from the network. These updates can introduce delays that lead to slight differences between the values ​​provided by the web3 and those obtained by Etherscan.


  • Gas ​​price updates

    : The Ethereum network constantly updates its data on gas prices using the Ethgasfeedis API. This process may not always reflect the latest gas prices in real time, which could lead to small differences between the values ​​provided by the web3 and those obtained by Etherscan.

  • Differences in implementation : the way in which gas prices are recovered from the blockchain provider compared to Etherscan could cause the difference. Make sure that the two methods use the same version of protocol, network configuration and other relevant parameters.



  • Check the Orodati of the transaction : make sure that your blocknumberis attribute blocknut ‘(or the oroding on which it is based) corresponds to what you expect from Etherscan. Make sure all the updates made on the block number are reflected in the “Gasprice” value.



From web3 it matters web3

Supplier = Web3 (Web3.httpprovider ('

Disable gas prices updates

Supplier.Forcegaspricks = True


  • Use a specific library of Etherscan

    Ethereum: gas_price does not exactly match value from transaction

    : consider the use of libraries such as "" or "Python-Ethereum", which are specially designed to interact with the Ethereum network and can provide more accurate results.



Although the times can be a factor that contributes, it is essential to take into account other potential problems when comparing the gas prices between the values ​​provided by the web3s and those obtained from the Etherscan transactions. By exploring solutions such as the use of more recent suppliers or the implementation of gas prices updates manually (if necessary), it is possible to reduce the probability of differences and guarantee specific results in the development work of Ethereum.

Example of code:

Here is an example of how to check the gas prices in Python:

` Python

From web3 it matters web3

Supplier = Web3 (Web3.httpprovider (‘

Get the current block number and healing

Blocknumber = Supplier.Currentblocknumber

Timestamp = Supplier.Thestamp ()

Recover the price of the gas using a recent (optional) supplier

To try:

Gasprice = Supplier.

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