Ethereum: How common is it to have a wallet address and a contract address with same public key?

General Errors to Avoid: The same wallet address and the use of the contract address with the same public key

The structure of smart contracts on a blockchain platform such as Ethereum, Polygon or others is essential to understand the proper use of wallet addresses and contract titles. One of the general mistakes that many developers make is the use of the same wallet title and contract title with the same public key.

** Why is this a problem?

Using the same wallet address and contract address with the same private key can cause more problems:

  • Conflict Transactions : If you use the same wallet address for both your personal account and to your intelligent contract, it may result in controversial transactions or errors when sending funds to the contract.

  • Contract Installation Problems : When installing an intelligent contract, the use of the same wallet title and the private key can lead to unexpected behavior, such as improper implementation of the contract code.

  • Safety Risks

    Ethereum: How common is it to have a wallet address and a contract address with same public key?

    : Using the same private key for both calculations the risk of security violations or unauthorized access to sensitive data.

** What does the use of the same public key mean?

The public key is a unique ID that uniquely represents the account on the blockchain network. He sees this at the wallet. In Ethereum, each account has a different public key (called “title” or “ETH”), but multiple accounts can share the same private key.

The difference between the wallet address and the title of the contract

Although both are used to identify an account on the blockchain network, they serve different goals:

* Wallet Address : Unique ID for your personal Ethereum account.

* Contract Title : It can be used to install smart contracts for decentralized application (DAPP) or interaction with external services.

** What can you do?

Using separate wallet addresses and contract addresses is essential to avoid the above errors with different public keys:

  • Create a new wallet address to your personal account.

  • Use this private key to install smart contracts on a polygon or other platform that support multiple wallets.

  • When installing the smart contract, use the Ethereum wallet directory (such as web3) to generate individual addresses.

Example code detail

Here’s an example in JavaScript using the Web3 directory:


Const web3 = new web3 (new web3.providers.httpprovider ('

// Create a new wallet address to your personal account

Const personaladdress = '0x295391124f0cb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963';

// generate a contract title using the same private key (but other public keys)

Constitutional ADSDRESS = Web3.eth.accounts.FromPrivateyy ({{

Privátky: '0xyour_Private_key',


console.log (contract title);

In summary, use separate wallet addresses and contract addresses with various public keys to avoid common errors and develop safe intelligent contracts. Always generate new private keys for each account or installations and be sure to follow the best practices for your wallet address management.

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