- 13/02/2025
- Autor: admin
Here is an article on how to convert an Ethereum public key x value to y in Python and verify it:
Converting Ethereum Public Key x Value to y: A Step-by-Step Guide
Ethereum is an open-source, decentralized blockchain platform that uses public-key encryption to secure transactions. When you send or receive Ether (ETH) on the Ethereum network, you will need to convert your Ethereum public key from its hexadecimal format to its corresponding y value. In this article, we will walk through the steps to perform this conversion in Python.
Step 1: Understand the Ethereum Public Key Format
Ethereum public keys are represented as a 64-character string of hexadecimal digits, with each character separated by a colon (:) and preceded by the letter “0”. The format is typically:
Where “…y” represents the y value.
Step 2: Install the “hmac” library
To convert your Ethereum public key to its y value, you need to use the “hmac” library in Python. This library provides a simple way to perform hash operations on hexadecimal strings. To install it, run the following command:
pip install hmac
Step 3: Convert Public Key to Hexadecimal
First, we need to convert your Ethereum public key from its hex format to a string of hex digits:
import hmac
public_key = "020F031CA83F3FB372BD6C2430119E0B947CF059D19CDEA98F4CEFFEF620C584F9"
hex_public_key = public_key.encode("utf-8").hex()
Step 4: Generate a Hash Object
Next, we will create a hash object using the library hmac
hash_object = hmac.new(hex_public_key, digestmod="sha256")
Note that you can use any hash algorithm (e.g., “md5”, “sha1”, etc.) instead of “sha256”. However, for this example, we’ll stick with “sha256”.
Step 5: Get the y value
Now, we will get the y value from the hash object:
y_value = hash_object.hexdigest()
Putting it all together
Here is the full code snippet to convert an Ethereum public key x value to its corresponding y value in Python:
import hmac
def convert_ethereum_public_key_to_y(hex_public_key):
hex_public_key = hex_public_key.encode("utf-8").hex()
hash_object = hmac.new(hex_public_key, digestmod="sha256")
y_value = hash_object.hexdigest()
return y_value
public_key = "020F031CA83F3FB372BD6C2430119E0B947CF059D19CDEA98F4CEFFEF620C584F9"
y_value = convert_ethereum_public_key_to_y(public_key)
Output: the y value of your Ethereum public key
That’s it! With these steps, you should now be able to convert an Ethereum public key x value to its corresponding y value in Python.