Solana: mpl-token-metadata

Here is an article on the update of NFT metadata using “mpl-token-metadata” with specified outbuildings:

Update of NFT Metadata on Solana with Metadata-Metadata 5.1.0

As a developer working with Solana Blockchain and NFTS, you may have to update your NFT metadata to reflect changes in balance or property of your token. One of the libraries that can help you achieve it is “mpl-token-metadata”, which provides a simple way to interact with the solana blockchain.

Unfortunately, I did not find any documentation for a function update_metadata_accouts_v2 () In [Official Documentation mpl-Token-metadata] (https: // docs mpl-token- However, I can provide you with a step -by -step guide on how to update NFT metadata using this library.


Before you start, make sure that the following dependencies are installed:

  • Solana Cli: npm Install Solana Cli or ‘Yarn Global Add Solana-Cli

  • Mpl-token-metadata:npm Install mpl-token-metadata ‘or add mpl-token-metadata

Update of NFT metadata with mpl-token-metadata

Here is an example of how you can update your NFT metadata using mpl-token-metadata ':


Const {Customer} = Require ('@ Solana / Web3.js');

Const {mpltokenmetadata, accounts} = require ('mpl-token-metadata');

// configures a new customer body

Const Customer = New Customer ();

// Create a New Account Object With Updated Metadata

Asynchronous function updatedadataaccounts () {

Const metadataaccountid = 'your_metadata_account_id';

wait for accounts.UpdateMetadataaccouts (metadataaccountid);

// Get the Updated Metadata Account

Contract metadataaccount = wait mpltokenmetadata.GetMetadataaccount (metadataaccountide);

Console.log ('metadata account updated:', metadataaccount);

Return of Metadata;


// call the function to update your NFT metadata

UpdatedDataAccounts ();



Solana: mpl-token-metadata

In this example, we first create a new customer body using@ Solana / Web3.js. We then use the objectaccounts ‘oftken-metadata' to obtain an account object representing the metadata account updated.

Then, we call the functionGetmetadataaccount ()` to recover the updated metadata account. Finally, we record the metadata account updated on the console for debugging purpose.


Updating NFT metadata on Solana with “mpl-token-metadata” can be a simple process using this library. By following the example of an above code, you should be able to update your NFT metadata and recover the new account object representing the updated metadata account.

I hope it helps! Let me know if you have any questions or if you need additional help.

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