Ethereum: jsonRPCClient.php states its served a 401 error response

Ethereum JSON-RPC Customer Error: Authentication error processing

Error message “HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization” usually indicates a refusal of services (DOS) or access controls where the customer is unable to authenticate the server. In this article, we will look at why you are facing this error using the PHP class “JSONRPCLENT” and give instructions on how to handle it.

What’s wrong?

When your PHP script is executed from the command line, it tries to connect to the Ethereum JSON-RPC parameter (http: // /API.php) using the class ‘jonrpcclient’. However, given the security measures on the Ethereum network, the customer is unable to authenticate with the server and receives 401 unauthorized reply.


  • Fopen fails because the connection attempt was blocked by the authentication mechanism (such as http Basic Auth or Oath).

  • This mistake does not mean that your script has failed; This means that the customer faces the challenge of authentication, which requires additional processing and may be associated with repeated authentication.


To solve this problem, you need to introduce the necessary authentication mechanisms before connecting to the Ethereum JSON-RPC destination. Here are step by step:

Enable authentication : First, make sure your customer is configured to use the HTTP Basic AUTH or other authentication mechanism. This will make your web browser enter credentials.

  • Configure Oath : If you are using a third -party API, check that OAuth (Openid Connect) is enabled and properly configured for the Ethereum network API service provider.

Introduce repeated authentization : Connecting to the JSON-RPC parameter, add logic to process 401 unauthorized reply. This may include entering the user to enter the credentials or request the authorization code.


Here is a basic example of how you can introduce authentication and repeated authentication in your PHP script:


Required __Dir__. ‘/valdor/autoload.php’;

Use Ethereum \ jonrpcclient;

$ rpendpoint = ‘http: // /api.php’;

$ client = new jonrpcclient ($ rpendpoint);

// Enable HTTP BASIC AUTH with custom secret key

$ client-> SetbasicAuthCredentials (‘Your_secret_key’, ‘Your_username’, ‘Your_Password’);

// Example of repeated authentication using authorization code (OAAB)

$ client-> autenticatecode (‘https: // /Authorize’, [

‘Scope’ => ‘Eth_GettransactionCount’,


// After authentication you can use the customer to submit requests

echo $ client-> GetBalance (); // assuming this is a feature call



Ethereum: jsonRPCClient.php states its served a 401 error response

To solve the JSON-RPC customer error and successfully connect to the Ethereum network, you need to introduce authentication mechanisms before connecting to the destination. This may include the use of HTTP AUTH or OAuth with a customized secret key or repeated authentication using the authorization code (if necessary). When performing these steps, you can make sure that your PHP script can connect to the Ethereum network and obtain information on transactions, balances and other data.

Additional resources:

  • For more information on authentication mechanisms on the Ethereum network, see the official [Ethereum JSON-RPC Specification] (

  • To learn more about the Oath Ethereum, visit the [Ethereum Wallet API documentation] (

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