Ethereum: How to decode very huge (!) raw transactions?

Decoding a very salary of order etherum transactions

Aso continues to stop Blockchain so he has to deal with that block, you mayer -s raw transactions for your toys or processing options. In Thist Art -u we will explore how to decipher a very geny geny genre genre vessels.

Why are big transactions a problem? *

When clearing is rolled, you can face a few challenges:

Memory Constructions : Raw transaction data are stored in a compressed format, white reeds to memory problems on your system.

Power limitations

: some blockchains limited computational resources, shopping IT differences for processing larger data.

Decoding large raw transactions

To resolve the tests, you will need a new one to use specialized tools or libraries for storage of Skull and Pata RAW transactions. Hearing as an approach:

1. Yethers.js.

‘Ethers.js’ Library is a popular choice for the intervention of the Ethereum transformations in JavaScript. Provides an effective way to decod raw singing transactions intoxicated functionality.


const = demand (‘ether’);

// Spread blockchain to get a transaction information

ASC Fiction of Parsactiondata () {) {) {)

Const tx = awaits ether.wallet.getlet.getransation (“0x….”); // Set up with a hash transaction

// dcode and grazing data on raw transactions

Contocraw transact = new ethers.decodraw trancect (TX);

Contociticadtx = awaits transaction.draw transactiv.drade ();

Decordtx reform;


Parsctiondta (Thedecordtx => Console.log (cubettx));



'Tome-Ememeum Library Provider for Working on Work with Smart Treaties and Transactions Etherereum. Includes optimized with the form of a formation Tito function can withstand rape.


Const {} = demand (‘Tre-Eetheremem’);

// Spread blockchain to get a transaction information

ASC Fiction of Parsactiondata () {) {) {)

Const tx = awaits ether.wallet.getlet.getransation (“0x….”); // Set up with a hash transaction

Returned the new promises ((rolls, rejected) => {

tx.rawtransation.the (rawtx) => {

Contocrawa Transactive = = Leather.decodral Transact (RAWTX);

Contocitidtx = concordinate transaction.decode ();

Rozile (Daldortx);

}). Captures ((error) => {

refuse (error);




Parsctiondta (Thedecordtx => Console.log (cubettx));


3. It is a library library

Freeity-Ethers Library is a popular choice to work with Ethereum Smart Smart in Javascript prisons. Includes an optimized Thadtransation -Whole Classe that sues raw data.


Const J solitity} = demand (‘talice’);

// Spread blockchain to get a transaction information

Asc Fiction of Parsactiondata () {) {) {)

const tx t = wait for solidity.Getatabi (“0x….”); // Set up with a hash transaction

Returned the new promises ((rolls, rejected) => {

Consaples concorderwtransation = new salt.deconderdaw transact (TX);

ContociticDtx = Corerawtransation.decode ();

Rozile (Daldortx);



Parsctiondata (Decoudtx => Console.log (cubettx));

“ S.

Select the right approach

What she decides to use, lead the following factors:

** Larges of Data, Ethers.js’ or Shoem-Ethemem Color May Better Choit.

Use : As a possible nefraity, more Staterterforward has been taken to develop family development.

* Linling and support: Ethers.js’s.

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